Unification Church

Rev Moon: Most Successful Religious Leader

Founded the only religion to spread to all the countries of the world in the lifetime of its founder. Established about nine world records, discover how this king of peace who helped ended communism did it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Who is Reverend Moon?

Who is Reverend Moon?Nearly everyone has read or heard something about the founder of the Unification Church , Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Some media reports have portrayed Reverend Moon as a businessman or politician. Others have recognized him to be an extraordinarily dedicated religious leader. Who is Reverend Moon? Our answer begins with an account of his upbringing, and an encounter he had with Jesus on a Korean mountainside. Sun Myung Moon was born on January 6, 1920, into a family of farmers that had tilled the land for centuries. As a boy he studied at a Confucian school and was a keen observer of the ntural world. Around 1930, his parents...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Reverend Sun Myung Moon Speaks in Nigeria at Historical Peace Conference

Dr. Sun Myung Moon, revered as a peacemaker by millions worldwide, will be the keynote speaker at a meeting of African diplomats and political, religious and civil society leaders across the Continent at a conference sponsored by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) on July 17, 2011 in Abuja, the Nigerian Capital. The program in Abuja, the eleventh city of Dr. and Mrs. Moon's 2011 World Tour, begins July 15th with an International Leadership Conference, which will consider some of the major challenges and opportunities facing Nigeria and all of Africa in the decade to come, including health, food and agriculture, good governance and the need...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dr. Sun Myung Moon to host conference in Africa invited by Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan

Africa Today The president of Better Future Foundation (BFF), Rev. Augustine Arkoi, leaves the country today for Abuja, Federal Republic of Nigeria, to participate in an international leadership conference. Organized by Universal Peace Federation (UPF), the conference would be attended by an array of international peace ambassadors from Asia, Middle East, Europe, Africa and the Americas.The conference which would be addressed by UPF Founder, Dr. Sun Myung Moon, a global campaigner for World Peace and Unity would be held in the Nigerian political capital from July 15-18, 2011. Dr. Sun Myung Moon is invited by Nigeria current acting president,...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dr. Kook Jin Moon and Dr. In Jin Moon Speak to Malaysian Parliamentarians

Dr. Kook Jin Moon and Dr. In Jin Moon Speak to Malaysian ParliamentariansFrom Familyfed.orgDr. Kook Jin Moon, Chairman of Tongil Foundation, gave a peace address to 70 Malaysian congressmen on the evening of June 19, in Kuala Lumpur. His speech was titled “Business Engine for Global Peace.” There were about 130 participants, including Ronald Kianbee, Vice Speaker of the House. A welcoming greeting was given by Chua Soon Bui, Malaysian congressman, and a Keynote address by Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Haji Mulia (read by Ronald Kianbee), Speaker of the House. After an introduction by Thomas Walsh, Dr. Kook Jin Moon spoke. “My father, Dr. Rev....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rev. Sun Myung Moon Quotes on True Love

Wisdom of True Love Excerpts from the speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon The invisible love is the greatest among all kinds of love. It would be no fun at all if love were visible. Since love is invisible, it can be the highest, widest, and deepest. Some say love is like the Rocky Mountains or like the Niagara Falls. Those are correct similes. The invisible God is precious because invisible love is precious. It is true that we have to enter the state of the complete absence of ego in order to find God. God lives deeply and quietly in the invisible world rather than in the visible world where we live. I became aware of what true love and happiness...

What is Unificationism?

Unificationism is a contemporary movement with a special philosophy, theology and sociology which is spreading quite rapidly throughout the world. The movement has for its purpose the unity of all theists in order to form a more consolidated front against secular humanism in a time of rapidly disappearing religious ideals. In addition, the Unification Movement teaches a doctrine which is so all-inclusive that it cannot be classified simply as a theological system or sociological school. We have to call it simply a new worldview.Prof. Sebastian A. Matczak. Professor at St. John's University, NY  Vision The vision of Unificationism...

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